I know, I’ve said “Christmas is JUST around the corner” in July but it’s November now, so it really IS just around the corner.  You can wrap up your shopping for friends and family who enjoying reading and listening to music about the great American West all in one stop at my website.  You can order all three books in my Jared Delaney Moon Series (the fourth book is in the works so, no, it’s NOT a trilogy) as well as the first book in the spin-off series featuring Tommy Stallings…The Big Empty.  This will bring you up to speed for my brand new book, The Lights of Cimarron, which is being published by Five Star in the early Spring of 2019.  AND while you’re reading, you can listen to the soundtrack of the West if you get my Race with the Wind and Headin’ Home CDs.  Think how relieved you’ll feel once you get all your Christmas shopping done early.

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