Here’s the final notice about the second Living Room Sessions Concert featuring me and my friend, Randy Huston. We’ll be performing in the living room of my friends Joyce and Marion Rutherford on Thursday evening, December 13th from 7-9:30-ish. Doors “officially” open at 6:30 but Marion says “coming before 6:30 is acceptable.” I’m not sure what Joyce says about this. The first half will be OUR set, featuring music we’ve chosen for reasons ranging from the pretentious (the song influenced our musical direction and changed our lives) to the mundane (it’s a song we know and don’t have to practice). The second half is YOUR set, songs that you’ve requested that we play. If you have any last minute requests, you can email me at the Comcast address listed below and let me know what they are. I’ve probably got all the songs I can handle at this point but Randy needs a few more requests, preferably songs that he wrote so he’s more likely to know them (although he’s got some great songs he wrote that he doesn’t know). I would also encourage those of you attending to feel free to ask questions or bring up things you would like to hear us talk about (and when I say “us,” I primarily mean Randy). Stories from our shady past in the music or ranching business. Just to prime the pump, someone might want to ask Randy about the time he was banned from ALL of the bars in Cimarron, NM. That’s a fun little story.
You can bring a snack or dessert if you’d like and a beverage of your choice. I’m making banana pudding, assuming it turns out okay, as well as egg nog (including the ingredients to “supercharge” it) AND all the ingredients to make Old Fashions. We’ve got close to a full house but there are still seats available. Contact Marion at the aol email listed below (tenndad refers to Tennessee I believe, dad is probably self-explanatory) for reservations, information, directions, moral support, etc. Hope to see you Thursday. Jim