On Wednesday, April 10th, I’ll be presenting my fourth Living Room Sessions Concert along with my special guest and fellow Cowboy Way Trio pard, Mariam Funke. We’ll be performing in the living room of good friends Scott and Anne in their lovely home in Corrales. I’ve been very pleased with the way this series has gone with each event taking on its own unique personality and I’m sure this one will continue that trend. Mariam grew up in Germany but always felt like he was “accidentally switched at birth and grew up in a strange land far, far away, where there were no roaming cattle, no wide open spaces, no singing cowboys.” He’s one of the finest musicians I’ve ever had the pleasure of performing with and despite his gruff German exterior, he’s a ton of fun (particularly after a bit of tequila). We’ll be doing some different things than you’re used to hearing us do…instrumentals, different songs, different instruments…and Mariam is likely to regale you with some tales of the music business in his previous home as well as some of the interesting (if by “interesting,” we mean CRAZY) things he’s seen performing in New Mexico. The first set will be OUR picks and the second will be YOUR picks. The first set will be OUR picks and the second will be YOUR picks. If you want to email me with a song request for us ahead of time, feel free to do that at the email address listed below. As always, there is no specified donation. If your financial situation is a little shaky on April 10th (tax deadline being April 15th and all) come anyway and don’t worry about it. If you’re feeling prosperous (in which case, you’re probably NOT a musician), it’s okay to be as generous as you want. The primary purpose is for us to share a memorable musical experience. You can also make reservations at that same email address listed below, starting now, which might be a good idea. I think folks are going to be interested in this one and I think it’s gonna be a ton of fun. Specifics about location, directions, etc. will be provided in plenty of time for you to be able to make it. SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, April 10th!!