Here it is Christmas Eve Day, I hope you have plans that involve family and friends. I certainly do. After we go see the new animated SpiderMan movie, my grandsons are going to help me make banana pudding for the big family gathering tonight. My first effort at making banana pudding came less than two weeks ago when I made it for my second Living Room Sessions concert that included me and my friend, Randy Huston. The banana pudding was a smashing success (the music wasn’t bad either) which bodes well for tonight. The good news is that if everyone likes it, I can take credit and if it’s a flop, I can blame my grandsons. I’M KIDDING!! As 2018 winds down, I really do hope you all have the opportunity to be with friends, family, loved ones. I hope you take the opportunity to ponder the spiritual aspects of life in whatever way works for you and I hope you give serious thought to how you might become an even better person in the year to come. Those are all things that I will be doing. I know this is a challenging and at times, frightening period in our history but if we move forward with love and courage in our hearts and we ALWAYS look for the humanity in others, I believe we will grow and become better both as individuals and as a society. All the best to everyone!