Did I mention that my next novel, The Lights of Cimarron, will by published by Five Star Publishing on April 17th? Oh, okay, well, I’m going to mention it again. Here’s what award-winning author, W. Michael Farmer has to say about it.
“The Lights of Cimarron is a classic western story of a young sheriff, Tommy Stallings, doing the right thing as hard take-care-of-yourself frontier life gives way to softer life in towns and the conflict of politics. Often the greatest problems a young sheriff had to face were not bullets, drunks, or clever criminals, but those in his personal life and in dealing with politicians wanting control of the country. Jim Jones tells a fast-paced, compelling story that has the creak of saddle leather, the smell of gun smoke, the support of friends, and the love of a good woman to carry the lawman through the best of times and the worst of times.” … W. Michael Farmer, Arizona-New Mexico Book Award-Winning author of Mariana’s Knight and Apacheria.
Check out Michael’s books at the website listed below.