There’s been so much going on with music and books in the past week or so that I haven’t had a chance to post anything on my website blog/Facebook. I was up in Bobcat Pass last Tuesday night with my buddy, Syd Masters, and we had a big time. Wednesday night, I did my sixth Living Room Session with my friend and frequent co-writer, Allan Chapman and his lovely wife, Rodeo Kate. No sooner had we gotten that done than I rambled up to Cimarron on Thursday for the Cimarron Cowboy Gathering which had a stellar lineup this year, including the Cowboy Way. We had to take off mid-day on Saturday though to hot-foot it down to Socorro where we had the honor of performing at the New Mexico Tech Founders Banquet at the historic Garcia Opera House. People are so quick to criticize educators these days and yet I found these folks…President Wells of New Mexico Tech, the professors and students in attendance, to be passionate about learning, about helping young people prepare for valuable careers and strongly committed to excellence. Made me feel hopeful for the future. I’m home for the week now, I’ll try to post some more things about what’s new. I am homing in on the very end of the first draft of my fifth novel, I hope to finish it this week. Of course, then there’s the editing process but I’m ready for it. In the meantime, you need to check out The Big Empty and The Lights of Cimarron, and while you’re at it, you could just start with Rustler’s Moon and read your way through Colorado Moon and Waning Moon. Might as well be all caught up by the time the next book comes out. Hope everyone is doing well.