I know some people think I’m crazy for all the irons I have in the fire and as I try to catch up with myself, I sometimes think they’re right.  I’m currently working on my fourth book in the Jared Delaney/Moon series (yep, now’s the time for all those “four books in a trilogy” jokes), a novella for inclusion in an anthology, a documentary film, and we’re starting to write material for a third Cowboy Way album… AND I’m putting together an album of some of my favorite songs that I’ve written and recorded.  I was going to do a “greatest hits” album until it occurred to me that I don’t have any “hits.”  Oh well.  “Favorites” will work.  And lest we forget, my current book, The Lights of Cimarron, is available right here on my website (along with my other books and CDs).  Check ’em out, Christmas is just around the corner.

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